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Cartoon Farm - Christmas Time 1.2 3.3.0
[ · Скачать удаленно (50,2 МБ) ] 05 Декабря 2015, 02:11

This package is suitable for farming or barn buddy games on mobile devices or social networks. With the all additional texture fitting with Christmas season, you can add a new stage or new level for your game. Apart from that, more than 20 decorated items are added to make the enviroment more colorful. Most objects are low-poly models, with high quality texture (1024x1024), small objects are attached with 512x512 texture size.

Christmas Item just only see in this pack:
- Church
- Natural Pine Tree
- Decorated Christmas Tree
- Ribbons, Bows, Gifts, Candy, Green Pine Round, Cross Stand
- Set of X-mas orbs
- 5 Matroska Santa Claus
- Ponsettia Pot
- X-mas Bench
- Decorated Fence
- 2 Snowman
- 4 Mountains
- Ponsettia Farm

- 2 hot-air ballon carrying christmas gifts Following are old objects similar to other farm packs, also decorated.
- Circus tent
- 3 types of grass
- 7 brick houses + 3 wooden houses
- 3 market stalls
- Watermelon farm
- Pumpkin farm
- Maize farm
- 3 Normal Tree
- 3 type of Mushroom
- Rocks
- Animated Windmill (frame 0-120)
- A Village Pond
- 5 road pieces to combine long road

Категория: Ассеты | Добавил: vanya
Просмотров: 719 | Загрузок: 167 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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