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IOS Native 8.0.6
[ · Скачать удаленно (4,8 МБ) ] 04 Декабря 2015, 04:20

All Source Code is Open!
IOS6, IOS7, IOS8, IOS9 - supported

ReplayKit API added!
Fully compatible with All Stan's Assets Plugins

Game Center
* iTunes Setup
* Init The Game Center
* Leaderboards
* Achievements
* Changes
* Friends
* Real-Time Multiplayer
* Trun Based Multiplayer

In-App purchases (Cons. / Non-Cons.)
* iTunes Setup
* Coding Guidelines
* Transactions Validation
* Restoring Purchases
* Store Product View

Social Sharing
* Facebook Post
* Twitter Post
* Native Sharing Dialog
* Sending e-mail
* Documentation

iAd App Network
* Banners
* Interstitials
* 9 Gravity Options supported
* Ability to set Custom x, y banner point
* iTunes Setup
* Coding Guidelines

Camera And Gallery
* Taking Photo from Camera
* Loading Texture from Gallery
* Saving Texture to Gallery
* Saving Screenshot to Gallery
* Coding Guidelines

* iTunes Setup
* Coding Guidelines

More features
* Video API
* Media Player API
* Local Notifications
* Push Notifications
* Shared App API
* Date Time Picker
* Poups and Pre-loaders
* System Native Events
* Flash Like Events as gift

* Avaliable Actions List
* iAd Playmaker Actions Guide
* InApp Purchasing with Playmaker

Supported 3-rd party plugins:
* Playmaker - Artists and Designers: Realize your creative vision without coding! Unlock the power of Unity.

* Simple IAP System - Takes the complexity out of in-app purchases (IAPs) and the billing process as a whole by providing a one-stop solution for managing IAPs.

* OneSignal Boost Engagement With Smart Push Notifications.

* Soomla Grow - With SOOMLA Grow, traditional analytics fade away. Instead of knowing your users based only on data you collect, you can now study their behavior across thousands of games.

Категория: Ассеты | Добавил: vanya | Теги: Native, ios
Просмотров: 460 | Загрузок: 122 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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