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Mad Level Manager 2.3.5
[ · Скачать удаленно (19,2 МБ) ] 04 Декабря 2015, 02:06

Level selector. Based on the previous level configuration quickly generate your level select screen. You can make a grid or a map. It's optimized for mobiles and stationaries!

Progress save/load tool. All progress is automatically saved and loaded when the game is launched. How cool is that?!

New scene loading API. Throw away Application.LoadLevel()! From now on you can use MadLevel.LoadNext() and next level will be loaded based on your level configuration. It's just that easy!

- Working with Unity 5
- PlayMaker, Easy Save 2, Anti-Cheat Toolkit integration
- Rich API (levels, saving & loading, graphics)
- Mesh fonts support (BMFont, Glyph Designer)
- Level groups (worlds)
- Extensions (loading screens, scores, etc.)
- Working examples for different configurations
- Two full high-quality themes
- WYSIWYG interface with inspector integration
- Can be used in C#, JavaScript and Boo projects
- C# Sources included
- Tested on PC, Mac, Android, iOS, and WP8
- Works with Unity and Unity Pro >= 3.5.5

Категория: Ассеты | Добавил: vanya | Теги: mad, manager, level
Просмотров: 607 | Загрузок: 145 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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