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Ultimate Mobile 4.1.1
[ · Скачать удаленно (46,1 МБ) ] 04 Декабря 2015, 04:17

Save up to 20% and get Unified API for:
* In-App purchasing - IOS, Android, WP8
* Game Services - IOS, Android
* Advertisement - IOS, Android, WP8
* Social Sharing - IOS, Android, WP8
* Camera and Gallery - IOS, Android
* Local And Push Notifications - IOS, Android
* Google Analytics Tracking - All Unity Platforms
* Pop Ups and Preloaders - IOS, Android, WP8

Note: You don't have to use Unified API, you always can use API of any plugin in the package. More unified API will be available in future releases. Feel free to send feedback or feature request to support team.

Warning: Plugin does not contain OAuth social API like Android Native or Mobile Social Plugin. Only native posting is available.

Supported 3-rd party plugins:
* Playmaker - Artists and Designers: Realize your creative vision without coding! Unlock the power of Unity.

* Simple IAP System - Takes the complexity out of in-app purchases (IAPs) and the billing process as a whole by providing a one-stop solution for managing IAPs.

* Anti-Cheat Toolkit - There are always some people around who want to cheat, hack or crack something in your game. Anti-Cheat Toolkit (ACTk) is designed to let you add some extra pain to these nasty persons!

* Soomla Grow - With SOOMLA Grow, traditional analytics fade away. Instead of knowing your users based only on data you collect, you can now study their behavior across thousands of games.

Категория: Ассеты | Добавил: vanya | Теги: ultimate, Mobile
Просмотров: 618 | Загрузок: 163 | Рейтинг: 1.0/1
Всего комментариев: 0