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Bloody Mess: Positional Data and Dismemberment 0.3 5.0.1
[ · Скачать удаленно (38,41 МБ) ] 03 Августа 2015, 11:27

Другая ссылка #2 [Yandex]

New In Version 0.3
New: Advanced Ragdoll Mode
New: Support for Simple People by Synty Studios 
Change: SkinMeshRenderer fields now GameObject fields
Known Issues: Particle collision bug, turn off particle collisions for temp fix.

Forum Page 
Visit us at our forum page for news and announcements on upcoming features!!

What is Bloody Mess?
At it's heart Bloody Mess is a positional data collection system that can receive raycast or collision info and use it to do a multitude of operations. (Think headshot, armshot, legshot, critical, ect)


Why Bloody Mess?
In addition to being an advanced positional damage handler, Bloody Mess also comes with integrated event and performance friendly dismemberment systems. All three of these things work together to give you a powerful, and fully extendable, way to carry out actions on specific portions of your models. Bloody Mess also extends, via the event system, the possible uses of many 3rd party effects found in the asset store! 

Along with a Zombie Character complete with animations, a ton more tutorials, and pooling/saving support players will also get, during the 1.X cycle of Bloody Mess (which beta buyers get to upgrade to for free), the VPADS (Virtual Precise Automatic Damage System) advanced game framework. VPADS is an "Action Point" based system that will function similar to those found in popular RPG games.

Current Compatibility 
Easy Weapons (native) 
Shooter AI (tutorial, native coming soon!) 
RFPS (tutorial) 
UFPS (tutorial) 
Easy Save 2(tutorial) 

Beta Features
1. Positional Damage to various areas or body parts.
2. Damage Event System that can be used to do headshots, achievements, per limb effects, change animations states and much much more.
3. Healing Event System that can heal globally or on the per limb basis. 
4. Example scripts and demos. 
5. Full compliment of tutorial videos covering all the areas you need to get started using Bloody Mess.
6. Free upgrade to the Full Version of Bloody Mess that is coming soon.


Full Version and Future Features (coming soon)
1. High quality zombie character designed for use in the Bloody Mess system.
2. Animations and Blood FX for the zombie character.
3. VPADS Action Point/Turned Based precise damage framework.
4. Saving and loading of health data for player characters
5. Character, ragdoll and limb pooling.
6. Even more video tutorials.


Initial Project Setup 
Basic Character Setup 
Advanced Character Setup 
RFPS Integration 
Shooter AI Integration 
Easy Weapons Setup 
UFPS Integration 
Easy Save Integration 
Damage Event System 
Healing Event System 
Core Scripts Overview

Категория: Готовые проекты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: Bloody, mess, Positional
Просмотров: 1055 | Загрузок: 165 | Рейтинг: 1.0/1
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