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Kinect Hand Game Starter Kit v2.2 4.3.4
[ · Скачать удаленно (4 МБ) ] 17 Марта 2015, 16:14

Require at least Unity 4.3 because 2D physics and Sprites are used here. 
Kinect Game Starter Kit includes everything you need to create a Kinect-hand game except of a game. 
It demonstrates how to work with Kinect, how to calibrate player before the game and includes simple game demo, where you have to collect balls using your hand. 
Works with Kinect SDK. 

How to run the example: 
1. Install the Kinect SDK. More information in documentation. 
2. To Project Built settings add “PositionCalibrationLevel”, “HandXYCalibrationLevel” and “Game” Scenes. These scenes will be played in this order. 
3. Open and run “PositionCalibrationLevel” Scene.
4. Enjoy the calibration and a game Example. 

* The example was tested with Kinect SDK 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8. 
* With any questions you can contact me at my e-mail: kachmar.bohdan@gmail.com. 

Категория: Готовые проекты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: Kinect, Xbox
Просмотров: 984 | Загрузок: 117 | Рейтинг: 2.0/2
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