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Rocket Jump Procedural Level 4.6.1
[ · Скачать удаленно (14 МБ) ] 09 Февраля 2015, 16:09

Jump Rocket Project is a complete game that features an procedural gameplay based on physics. Your objective is to drive a rocket to space by pushing it to the right direction and avoid obstacles.

What features will you find:
Updated: Optional use of Stan's Assets (Android Native). I provide a folder including this content and two sample scenes with that. - Achievements - Facebook Share setup. - IAP shop setup. - Twitter Share. - Android Leaderboards. - Android Achievements. 
The project requires NGUI PRO to show up the interface. (I'm working on a unity gui version but still on the works)
The project requires iTween to make some transitions (free pack).
The project requires Android Native Plugin for the Social Features (optional, with and without content added).

If you don't own this Android Native Pack, you can use the following: Normal Features - Upgrades System 
- Economy System that tracks your coins 
- Shop to buy Upgrades 
- Obstacle Generator that builds up the level randomly creating increasing difficulty obstacles.
- Different type of obstacles prefabs 
- Graphic management to display upgrades 
- Nicely done background color transition system for the Camera 
- A nice tracking camera that will follows your objects 
- A state machine to manage states very easyly based on callbacks. 
All these elements can be sold separately but you'll get all of them inside the same project, and you can customize it to creat amazingly different games!
Check it out:

Категория: Готовые проекты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: level, Rocket, Jump
Просмотров: 1199 | Загрузок: 365 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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