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Hayate 3 Particle Turbulence 3.1 4.0.1
[ · Скачать удаленно (161 МБ) ] 18 Сентября 2015, 20:50

Works with Unity 5. Please check the upgrade notes above. 

Hayate 3 is the latest installment of the Hayate Particle System Effect Tool. 

Hayate 3 comes with a lot of new features such as Animation Curve Turbulence,Animated Values and Special Effects for UI. 
This release also comes with source code for the very first time. The contents of this Package includes all Hayate classes, the Demo and a Manual.

The core feature of Hayate is the Turbulence module that allows you to create the Particle Effect you want. Turbulence can be created from Sine, Cosine, Perlin, Animation Curves, Texture and Audio.
Turbulence can be simulated relatively or absolute and assigned to Position, Velocity and Acceleration (Beta). Additionaly, Hayate 3 makes it possible to Emit and move particles to a Mesh or Skinned Mesh. Transform Particles give you more possibilities for shapes and styles of your Effect and SFX allows you to create stunning UI Effects.

More information and Tutorials can be found on our Website or in the Manual

Check out the interactive demo to see what can be achieve with Hayate 3.

Категория: Партиклы ( Particles) | Добавил: Unit | Теги: Hayate, Turbulence, Particle
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