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Azure[Sky] 3.0.0 5.0.0
[ · Скачать удаленно (233 МБ) ] 28 Мая 2016, 11:04

Azure[Sky] is a powerful sky system developed for those are looking for a dynamic sky with day and night cycles and that contains many features and customization options. 

Demo Scenes: Azure[Sky] with Horizon[ON] 
Azure[Sky] with PlayWayWater 
Azure[Sky] with Scion 

Online Documentation 

The new version brings many new features that will enhance the quality and power of customization of your scene to a new level. The new "Curve System" gives the ability to customize any property with different values at any time of day. You can also customize the seven days of the week with smooth transitions between them. 

A lot of work was put to make Azure[Sky] works as a regular skybox material avoiding the use of any sphere or mesh. Like Azure[Sky] works as a regular skybox material you will be able to enjoy all lighting features of Unity5 without any problems 

Azure[Sky] has a friendly interface and easy to understand. It is very simple to implement in your project and come with a complete and detailed documentation that will help you understand all its features. 

* Physically based sky shading. 
* Sunlight scattering. 
* Fog scattering. 
* Cloud System. 
* Curve System. 
* Output System. 
* Seven different days to customize. 
* Rotary night sky. 
* Works directly as a Skybox. 
* Fully compatible with Global Illumination. 
* Dynamic day and night cycles. 
* Supports forward and deferred rendering. 
* Supports linear and gamma space color. 
* Supports HDR and tonemapping. 
* Unused sphere mesh. 
* High Performance. 
* Etc... 

Obs: Some assets in the images and demo scenes belong to other packages of the Asset Store and are not included with this package. 

Assets used in the Demo Scenes: 
PlayWay Water System 
Scion - Filmic Post Processing 
Tropical Forest Pack 

Note: For downloading Azure[Sky] version 3.0.0 you need to use Unity 5.3.4 or higher, if you use an older version of Unity, you will get Azure[Sky] version 2.0.1. 

Категория: Шейдеры | Добавил: Unit | Теги: sky, azure, SkyBox
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