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DCG Water Shaders 5.1.0
[ · Скачать удаленно (9.9 MB) ] 27 Февраля 2016, 14:33

Requires Unity 5.1.0 or higher.

A nice and goodlooking simple water shader that i made :), it is simple but quite beautiful when you customize the properties with your own settings.

Most of the shaders in this package were created in Shader Forge, so they come with nodes to edit :). 

You can change almost everything with this water system. there is: 

- Color Settings 
- Foam Settings 
- Underwater Settings 
- Reflection Settings 
- Displacement Settings 
- Etc... 

This is a Highly customizable water shader. 

The package contains: 

- 4 Shaders, water surface, water backface, water caustics and underwater post effect. 
- 2 example Demo scene 
- demo textures for the water. 
- 2 prefabs ready to go, Ocean with waves mask, and clean ocean. 


Enjoy it :D! 

Категория: Шейдеры | Добавил: 7tony7
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