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acParkour v 1.0.5b 4.5.5
[ · Скачать удаленно (16 МБ) ] 04 Мая 2015, 14:17

NOTE acParkour requires a copy of UFPS 1.4.9

acParkour is currently NOT OPTIMIZED for Mobile


We would like to present to you acParkour with UFPS's FULL BODY AWARENESS integration. With this update, we would like to introduce to you, Selanus Tian, custom made model to take full advantage of both UFPS and acParkour's advantages, letting you create immersive free-running experience in First Person.


acParkour is a spinoff from the popular UltimateFPS for Unity. This add-on will allow you to increase MOBILITY and the FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT for your game, expanding the 

Manual PDF

Категория: Скрипты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: AC, Parkour
Просмотров: 748 | Загрузок: 142 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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