UDay Cycle is a package to render realistic dynamic sky domes with day and night cycle, with which you get an advanced effect of cycle day.
- New Event System called when is Day or Night.
-Night Start Effect.
- Custom progress time of the day, set the time you want the one day to complete.
- Effect of environmental sounds, added the atmosphere of the day and night sound with a fade transition.
- Lighting effects, add lights poles, lamps, camping, etc .. and only show the night with a fade transition.
- Customizable environment configures: Fog, Ambient Light, SkyBox Tint, Fog color, Fog Density, Color Sun, Sun intensity, Sun Tint, Aux Color and more.
- Sunrise Glow, great effect input / output of the sun.
- movement of the sun and moon by the progress of the day.
- Skybox Blended : Skybox sky blends from day time to night time sky.
- Highly optimized code.