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Obi - Advanced Cloth Simulation 1.7.1 5.3.4
[ · Скачать удаленно (3,5 МБ) ] 06 Июня 2016, 17:59

Obi is an advanced cloth simulator for Unity that brings back old (pre-Unity 5) cloth dynamics and builds on top of them. 

It is available for Windows, Mac and iOS, more platforms to come. Features

- Support for skinned meshes: unified solution for character clothing and regular cloth.
- Two-way rigid body interaction.
- Modular solver: don't waste performance, only use the constraints your cloth needs.
- Per module adjustable solver iteration count.
- Softbody physics trough volume constraints.
- Independent stretch and bend constraints.
- Per particle pin constraints.
- Cloth self and inter collisions.
- Physically based aerodynamics model.
- In-editor simulation preview.
- Easy-to-use editor tools: selection, brush selection, paintbrush, smoothing, property loading from textures...
- Simulation state can get serialized -> save your prefabs mid-simulation->instantiate them already warm-started.
- Supports Box, Sphere, Capsule and Terrain colliders. 
- Two-sided shader (based on the Standard shader) with correct lighting on backfaces.
- Automatic camera culling: by default, non-visible cloth pieces do not update their simulation.
- Easily extensible and modular architecture.

Категория: Скрипты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: cloth, Simulation, advanced, OBI
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