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Simple Multiplayer Kit v1.5.1 4.6.0
[ · Скачать удаленно (11,4 МБ) ] 23 Июня 2015, 11:29

SMK is an easy-to-use kit for learning about multiplayer networking, how to create multiplayer games, or even add it to your existing game! 

Utilizing Unity's built-in networking solution, this kit contains a ready-made Network Manager, which will handle everything related to server discovery and creation, including dedicated servers, password-protected servers, usernames, and more! 

Can be used on any internet-connected* platform, including Web Player, Android and iOS, and can even be used cross-platform! 

This kit is ready-to-go, allowing you to simply build using the included scenes, and run around a simple scene with others! 

Open two or more instances of the demo, and watch your capsules move about on both ends! 

For any Questions, Comments, or Suggestions, Contact me here

* = Bluetooth and LAN are unsupported; an actual internet connection is required. Devices on the same network can connect to eachother, but only through the internet.

Категория: Скрипты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: Multiplayer, simple, Kit
Просмотров: 1440 | Загрузок: 220 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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