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2D Isometric Tiles 2 1.0 4.3.3
[ · Скачать удаленно (5,4 МБ) ] 18 Июня 2016, 20:35

2D Isometric Tiles #2
This pack includes 104 isometric 2D tiles 24 2D trees. You can use tiled editor or unity extensions to build isometric maps for you games.
There are tiles for grass, rocks, flowers and soil, each tile has additional height, so you can raise individual tiles and create more realistic maps
Please see screenshots illustrating maps which can be created using these tiles.

MaxMedia Games
If you need more content, please contact us: info@maxmapps.com

Категория: Текстуры и материалы | Добавил: Unit | Теги: Tiles, Isometric, 2D
Просмотров: 560 | Загрузок: 189 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 0