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Third Person Controller 1.0.1 4.6.0
[ · Скачать удаленно (429 МБ) ] 18 Октября 2015, 17:06

This is so much more than just a smooth and flexible character controller. The Third Person Controller is your ultimate framework for creating ANY 3rd person game

Featuring a character and camera controller, combat system, inventory management, and much more! Thousands of hours have gone into developing this framework so you can focus on the unique aspects of your game. 

Use the editor scripts to create your character and items in seconds. Easily add new animations with the unique ability system. 

Designed to scale, the Third Person Controller comes with mobile and Unity 5 multiplayer support. It is also integrated with many assets, including Behavior Designer to add life to your AI characters. 

Demos | Overview | Doc | Videos | Forum 

- Physics-based character controller
- Smooth camera controller
- Character and item creation in seconds
- Wide variety of customizable weapons
- Over 300 Mecanim animations
- Unity 5 multiplayer support
- Flexible inventory and item pickup system
- Ability system for any set of animations
- Move with or without root motion
- Health and respawner system
- IK to correctly position limbs
- Supports keyboard/mouse or controller
- AI integration with Behavior Designer
- Moving platforms 

Programming Features:
- Mobile friendly
- Script-based Animator controller
- Event, scheduling, object pooling system
- Zero allocations after initialization
- Coding structure designed to scale
- Heavily commented C# code
- Includes full source code 

- Climb
- Cover
- Damage Visualization
- Height Change (Crouch, Crawl)
- Fall
- Interact
- Jump
- Ledge Strafe
- Push
- Roll
- Speed Change (Run, Sprint)
- Vault 

- Adventure Creator
- Behavior Designer
- Control Freak
- Dialogue System for Unity
- ORK Framework
- Playmaker
- plyGame
- Rewired 

- Network
Point and Click
Third Person Shooter
Third Person Shooter AI
Top Down

Категория: Редакторы | Добавил: Unit | Теги: third, controller, Person
Просмотров: 1729 | Загрузок: 221 | Комментарии: 4 | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
Всего комментариев: 4
Тоха пишет: | 18 Октября 2015 | 18:51 #1 Страница с комментарием Спам
Тоха Cool!
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MaUR10 пишет: | 18 Октября 2015 | 20:33 #2 Страница с комментарием Спам
MaUR10 Unit почему в коммерции разрешено? 65 дол стоит))))
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deadzoneonline пишет: | 18 Октября 2015 | 23:33 #3 Страница с комментарием Спам
deadzoneonline Подправил
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Unit пишет: | 19 Октября 2015 | 14:48 #4 Страница с комментарием
Unit Случайно )
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