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Tactical Shooter AI 1.11 5.3.2
[ · Скачать удаленно (21 МБ) ] 15 Марта 2016, 20:40


Feature List: 

-Full cover system which supports cover that is both pre-marked and found automatically at run-time. Enemies flank, fall back, and advance to maintain an optimal tactical position. 

-Battlefield interaction! For example, an agent may blow up an explosive barrel when enemies are nearby! 

-Customize agents to develop radically different units. Create tactical special forces, shotgun wielding berserkers, and careful snipers. 

-Grenades! Enemies can lob grenades toflush enemies out of cover. 

-Agents can fight on multiple teams, with or against a player. 

-Agents can focus on priority targets! 

-Combines pre-made animations withprocedural aiming

-Agents can use melee attacks at close range! 

-Rapid set-up with included editor tools. 

- Includes full, commented, C# source code. 

- In-depth 33-page manual. 

- And so much more! 

Категория: AI | Добавил: Unit | Теги: SHOOTER, Tactical, paragon, Ai
Просмотров: 1041 | Загрузок: 213 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 1
Тоха пишет: | 16 Марта 2016 | 06:45 #1 Страница с комментарием Спам
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