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Advanced Building System nDEV v1.1
[ · Скачать удаленно (7.6 МБ) ] 08 Января 2015, 18:58

1.)On step-mode moving the step is now the model's dimension on the axis you are going to move it.
2.)When you exit the build mod and open it again the building object's position and rotation is again on default.
3.)You can now change through the inspector the object's default position and rotation, any changed made from the
spawnPos GameObject in editor will not be counted, to change the spawnPos use the script.
4.)Keys customization on moving keys in now working, added two more keys, the up/down to move your object up or down.
5.)If you are in camera mod and you exit build mod the camera now is automatic returning back to start position.
6.)Sounds are now added, whenever you build an object a sound is played, and when you don't have enough object an other sound is played.
7.)When you building the preview of the object is now with green (you can modify the color).
8.)System now display the name of the selected object. You can use your own gui skin and also you can toggle this option on/off.

Категория: Готовые проекты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: system, Building, advanced
Просмотров: 1445 | Загрузок: 315 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 3
puzata пишет: | 19 Января 2015 | 16:59 #1 Страница с комментарием Спам
puzata Не пашет скачал загрузил вобще не понять как работает
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puzata пишет: | 02 Февраля 2015 | 16:44 #2 Страница с комментарием Спам
puzata Не понял можешь прост закинуь рабочий исходник
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puzata пишет: | 02 Февраля 2015 | 21:32 #3 Страница с комментарием Спам
puzata Лан спс
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