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InstantGUI v1.0.4 4.3.1
[ · Скачать удаленно (1,8 МБ) ] 24 Мая 2015, 11:11


InstantGUI is a GUI display system and GUI editor. It allows to create interface system for the game with maximum convenience and as fast as prototyping it! 

GUI creation is done with no scripting. Now an artist or game designer can create interface the way they like. Of course there a script interactions with GUI which are done with events (messaging) and direct get/set element parameters. 

No special additional cameras, scene planes, gizmos and helpers. InstantGUI forms a simple and logical hierarchy of elements – and only elements – under one root object. 

All the work is done directly in a Game view. No need to place elements in a Scene view looking at result in a Game view – like in other GUI plugins. Game view is your only canvas! 

What You See Is What You Get: your in-game interface will look and act directly as you see it in on your canvas. 

InstantGUI comes with demo GUI themes that has graphics for all basic interface elements. Feel free to use theme for demo purposes, prototyping or in a final product. 

Категория: Готовые проекты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: INSTANT, gui
Просмотров: 975 | Загрузок: 203 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 3.3/3
Всего комментариев: 1
zodjeks1 пишет: | 24 Мая 2015 | 11:31 #1 Страница с комментарием Спам
zodjeks1 Спасибо!
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