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Realistic FPS Prefab 1.24 5.2.5
[ · Скачать удаленно (212) ] 31 Января 2017, 18:49
Requires Unity 5.2.5 or higher.
The Realistic FPS Prefab is an easy way to implement the core features of first person games into your Unity projects with a few mouse clicks. Set up is quick and just requires dragging and dropping the main prefab object into your scene.
The asset has been designed with a focus on keeping scripts customizable from the inspector and ensuring that gameplay is smooth and intuitive. The Realistic FPS Prefab is a great learning tool and template for FPS games!
Категория: Готовые проекты | Добавил: WeekCinema
Просмотров: 1450 | Загрузок: 676 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 4.2/5
Всего комментариев: 1
eyyub9b пишет: | 02 Февраля 2017 | 02:33 #1 Страница с комментарием Спам
eyyub9b И что изменено?
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