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Go HDR 4.5.1
[ · Скачать удаленно (18 МБ) ] 17 Марта 2015, 15:05

Go HDR adds HDR tonemapping as well as Linear Lighting support to Indie Unity games. Go HDR simulates the response of a human retina to changes in lighting conditions. It instantly makes your games look much more realistic regardless of lighting setup. 
+ Go HDR doesn’t rely on floating-point buffers. 
+ Bloom support.
+ Unlike Unity’s HDR solution, Go HDR supports almost any hardware you can think of. 
+ Unlike traditional (Reinhard) tonemapping approaches, Go HDR preserves the saturation of black colors. 
+ Go Linear package is included for your convenience. 

Demo link 

Current limitations: supports CG/surface shaders as well as built-in VertexLit fixed function shaders; custom fixed function(VertexLit) shaders aren’t supported; gamma-correction looks best on single-pass shaders, single real-time pixel light scenes and non-transparent objects; this version doesn’t support deferred rendering path; Linux isn’t supported; Flash isn't supported; current version doesn’t support mobile devices;

Please note that Go HDR will double the amount of drawcalls. Bloom effect will also increase the drawcalls and is resource-intensive;

Категория: Шейдеры | Добавил: Unit | Теги: HDR, HD, GO
Просмотров: 872 | Загрузок: 145 | Комментарии: 2 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 2
deadzoneonline пишет: | 18 Марта 2015 | 15:21 #1 Страница с комментарием Спам
deadzoneonline То что нужно =)
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_RifobrinE_ пишет: | 26 Марта 2015 | 15:58 #2 Страница с комментарием Спам
_RifobrinE_ Чет у unity3d лучше...
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