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C# Inventory - uGUI v2.0.1 (torrent) 4.6.3
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 14 Мая 2015, 22:05

Introducing the new C# inventory driven by uGUI!

This inventory system is grid based. This means that you're not limited to 1x1 items but you can create any size you wish. 

The inventory features: 
Drag and drop. 
Warning messages. 
Merchants with tabs, including buy-back. 
Crafting system with tabs. 
Unidentified items. 
Stackable items. 
Custom logic for dual wield, dual wielding two-handed weapons, and equipping of a two-handed weapon + a shield. 
Custom editor for creating and managing items. 
Custom editor for managing items sold by merchants. 

Категория: Скрипты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: uGUI, inventory, C#
Просмотров: 1033 | Загрузок: 123 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 3.0/2
Всего комментариев: 1
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