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Combu 2.1.10 5.3.6
[ · Скачать удаленно (440 КБ) ] 05 Ноября 2016, 11:11

Combu is a full featured solution that allows you to add an online storage for your game in only 3 steps and bring your players community online with your web server and MySQL database. 

- Player registration, login and custom data(with/without activation code by email)
- Player Inventory storage (with customData Hashtable)
- Player Files (i.e.: screenshots, settings, serialized XML/JSON, etc and share with other users)
- Friends/Ignore list management
- Customizable Leaderboards
- Customizable Achievements
- Private and public Messages between users
- News for in-game notices
- Your players can create Tournaments andMatches

The package works right out of the box for most games (Unity Free/Pro, cross-platform), but you can also easily extend it for your custom features. It's also shipped with an administration web app and full detailed documentation (all the code is commented as well). 

Категория: Скрипты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: PHP, combu
Просмотров: 690 | Загрузок: 171 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 4.0/1
Всего комментариев: 1
salavan73 пишет: | 19 Ноября 2016 | 15:18 #1 Страница с комментарием Спам
salavan73 Класс... Давно подобие такого ассета искал
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