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Motion Controller 4.6.1
[ · Скачать удаленно (28 МБ) ] 09 Марта 2015, 13:56

The perfect character controller for your game!

The Motion Controller is a character controller that supports any type of motion.Motions like jumping, climbing, sneaking, etc. can be built with ease and plugged in as needed.

Mecanim is an awesome tool for blending and managing animations. However, some motions require collaboration between animations and code. These kinds of motions need to define things: what can be climbed, when should the climb start, and how to move out of the climb.The Motion Controller is a framework for handling these kinds of motions and more.

This character controller not only provides the motion framework, but includes core features most character controllers neglect. Things like support for moving and rotating platforms, applying physics forces, and cleaning up root-motion data.

Components Include:
* Motion Controller
* Third-Person Follow Camera
* Mecanim Animator
* Debug Logger
* Object Pool
* Profiler

Features Include:
* Extendable motion framework
* Customizable gravity, grounding, and sliding
* Ability to modify root motion data at run-time
* Support for moving and rotating platforms
* Support for applied physics forces
* Simulated input to control NPC motions
* Inspector for customizing motions
* Walking, running, and sneaking
* Customizable fall, jump, climb, and slide
* Support for prefabs
* Out-of-the-box support for Windows Xbox 360
* Code, so you can create your own motions

Free and Pro Unity versions supported.

Support: support@ootii.com

All models and animation from Unity's Raw Mocap data for Mecanim package or created by ootii. 

Use the Adventure Camera to create a AAA quality experience. The Adventure Camera is sold seperately on the Asset Store, but works with the Motion Controller.

Категория: Скрипты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: controller, Motion
Просмотров: 904 | Загрузок: 154 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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