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Super Terrain Collection 1.4 4.5.5
[ · Скачать удаленно (138 МБ) ] 22 Августа 2015, 13:39

This is a growing collection of more than 120 pre-sculpted terrains exclusively for Unity, with a focus on rapid development and versatility. It aids you in quickly creating high quality environments with professionally sculpted terrain. As a free bonus, several sample pre-made scenes and pre-painted terrains are included. Additionally, the 35+ page included manual lets you easily search for the terrain you want. 

Please scroll down and read everything before buying. 

As a continuously growing collection, future updates to this package to existing customers are free, while future prices are sure to increase. 
Grab this at the current introductory promotional price while you still can! 

What This Package Contains: 
- 120 Terrains, professionally pre-sculpted and unpainted; Uses Unity's Terrain object which allows for easy customization 
- 10+ FREE bonus pre-painted terrains using only the free foliage/textures from Unity 
- 5 FREE bonus ready-to-use scenes using the pre-painted terrains 
- 35+ page manual with screenshots for all 120+ terrains allowing fast searches 

PLEASE READ Before Purchasing: 
- The terrains are all Unity terrains, so they are not separate meshes. This allows easy editing with terrain tools. However, as with all terrains, you cannot rotate them until you convert them to meshes. 
- Heightmaps are not included, but can be extracted using Unity's terrain tools (Export Heightmap) 
- The terrains are mostly tilable, especially in the Islands category. 
- If, by small chance, a terrain you want isn't completely tilable with another, you can simply smooth down the edges using the terrain tools. 
- The free bonus scenes and pre-painted terrains do not come with custom textures, but use Unity's provided free foliage/textures (included in package). This is to demonstrate how professional looking scenes can be made using our terrains with only freely provided assets and Indie version. 

Please make sure that your existing terrains do not have name conflicts! Or the new terrains will overwrite your existing ones. 
All terrains are named as "ST_###" such as "ST_001" or "ST_115". Prepainted terrains are all named like "demo_ST_##" or "demo_ST_002" 

Create a new blank project and import the package into it. Open the manual and find the terrain you like. Then simply copy and paste the terrain.asset file into your actual project and drag/drop into your scene. 

Click to Preview All 120 Terrains

Категория: Уровни ,карты | Добавил: Unit | Теги: super, collection, Terrain, Pack
Просмотров: 1024 | Загрузок: 192 | Комментарии: 5 | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
Всего комментариев: 5
sashrock пишет: | 22 Августа 2015 | 16:00 #1 Страница с комментарием Спам
sashrock перезалей
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Unit пишет: | 22 Августа 2015 | 17:08 #2 Страница с комментарием
Unit ? ссылка рабочая
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MaUR10 пишет: | 23 Августа 2015 | 13:20 #3 Страница с комментарием Спам
MaUR10 это редактор или просто модели?
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ЛАЖАНУЛ пишет: | 30 Октября 2015 | 18:21 ( E-mail ) #4 Страница с комментарием Спам
ЛАЖАНУЛ А неьзя ли переводить описание, хотелось бы на русском прочитать что это за чуда для Юнити!
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Unit пишет: | 30 Октября 2015 | 18:41 #5 Страница с комментарием
Unit Причины,по которым я не перевожу текст:
1) Мне лень
2) Текст довольно большой и на его полную смысловую пере-формулировку (после перевода) уйдет много времени.
3) Есть google translate,с помощью которого ты и сам сможешь перевести текст.
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